I discovered Family Constellations a couple of years ago, and it profoundly transformed some deep unresolved father and mother wounds I was still carrying at 42 years of age. It helped me find greater clarity and peace with who my parents were, their limitations, and strengths. It also helped me embrace my lineage, and reshape my perceptions of the stories I had told myself growing up 

I realised these conflicts were impacting various aspects of my life—my vitality, my parenting, my finances, and my business—both unconsciously and consciously. Alongside many other tools and approaches I’ve engaged with in the past, I found applying a family systemic lens enormously helpful. I’ve been privileged to witness this methodology help many others move forward in life and live more fully and authentically and I want this for you too.

Come and experience deeper shifts both psychologically and energetically.

The effectiveness of Family Constellation Therapy is rooted in its ability to tap into the family’s collective conscience, a concept Bert Hellinger (the founder)  described as the “knowing field.” This field connects all family members, past and present, and can influence individual behaviours, emotions, and life patterns. By bringing hidden family dynamics to light, the therapy allows for healing not just of the individual, but of the family system as a whole.

We will be offering four themed online Family Constellation workshops this year:

The Mother (01 June)

– Couples (27 July)

– The Father (01 September)

– My Children (23 November)

The upcoming workshop in June is focused on the theme of The Mother. If you would like to know more, please click the link below: The Family Constellation Workshop ~ The Mother

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